Première Classe has been shaping and reshaping the low-cost hospitality market for more than 30 years.
The french leading brand on the low-cost segment intertwines a strong concept with the innovation and expertise of Louvre Hotels Group.
Its standardized design and resilient business model implies a moderate investment at the launch and very low operational costs.
Reliable and long-lasting brand, Première Classe keeps on developing with more than 260 hotels in France and Europe by end of 2021.
First low-cost brand to offer integrated bathrooms, to create a digital customer path, to offer free Wi-Fi network : innovation is at the very core of the brand's history and we already have lots more ideas to come !
Thanks to a powerful distribution network (48% central contribution in 2019) and to a very strong brand awareness (64% in 2021, Omnibus IFOP), Première Classe is one of the european low-cost hospitality leaders.